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About HM Solutions

We consider ourselves not only as coaches and trainers, but above all as creative impulses, motivators and comforters. Learning together in a trusting environment is important to us. We always treat our participants and partners at eye level and support them in an appreciative way.

Silke Hammer

Studied psychology at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt. Licensed psychological psychotherapist in behavior therapy (GAP Frankfurt) and registered in the psychotherapist register.

+ Long-standing experience in own psychotherapy practice


+ Qualification as Communication Coach (Phoenix Consulting)


+ Coachings, such as professional orientation, coping with difficult life events such as job loss, mobbing, conflicts, as well as excessive or unchallenging job demands.

+ Certified course instructor in ‘progressive muscle relaxation according to Edmund Jacobson’ (Giessener Forum)

+ Long-standing experience in management and qualification/suitability diagnostics as well as design and execution of assessment centers


+ Tailored design and execution of trainings and workshops with focus was on psychosocial emergency care.


+ Moderation of large group sessions and workshops.

Gerd Meyer-Schlee

Studied psychology at the Rheinische-Friedrich-Wilhelms University Bonn

+ Education in psychologically clinic-therapeutic procedures and methods Psychotherapist according to HPG


+ Education in systemic organizational consultations (IGST Heidelberg)


+ Many years of experience in the field of management and aptitude diagnostics as well as conception and implementation of assessment centers


+ Executive coaching with systemic-psychodynamic orientation


+ Intensive, many years of experience in various management functions, such as human resource management, IT, training, change processes, organizational development, management of large amount of staff, conceptual and operational crisis management


+ Experience in consultancies such as team development processes, employee attitude surveys and leadership trainings with executive personnel


+ Implementation of psychodynamic oriented leadership workshops


+ Analysis of teams and team developement


+ Custom-made lectures about psychological and leadership topics

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